I AM SO SORRY that i've been so out of touch! PLEASE CALL whenever you feel like it! if i'm sleeping i don't answer the phones anyway. TJ is gone back to work now so we're kind of on a better routine anyway. i miss you!! i hope you get to come visit soon!
VP and SWG ~ thanks for the support! teege isn't so jealous anymore. he actually comes and gets me now when Nat cries -even if she's in the same room as we are. and if she's asleep he's constantly letting out a string of "sissy. sissy." and standing by her door.
a few notes:
TJ has learned how to say grammy -but it comes out Gingy.i like it. i know it's wierd. but it's super cute."gingy" it's like the perfect attempt at saying something.
we're getting a new roof this week so we escaped to moms and dads this week.
TJ is gone for 3 weeks for pre mob training. he deploys in about 3 months.well- he doesn't leave country til the end of the year, but he'll be at his mob station training for about 6 months -and he's going to be far enough away that we won't see him but for a snatch of time at thanksgiving.
baby Nat is perfect in every way! she's happy so long as she is fed and rested. she's not terribly fussy like teege was at's been a blessing that she is so easy.especially since my help is limited from day to day.
i'll try and add more later and get some pics up soon as Nat is almost 7 weeks old now.right now though i have to go feed her so we can go and visit my nana since we're in town.
and i'm going to bealls b/c their bathing suits are on sale and i need one.
hope all is well with everyone and i'll try and make it over to your bloggs soon!