Saturday, March 8, 2008

baby cereal - part 1


i was planning on waiting til 6 months, so that TJ would get as much breastmilk as possible, but i had noticed him seeming to be hungry all the time so i though "waht they heck? we can try it since the dr. said it was a good time to start. he'll tell us if he doesn't want it." HE ATE 2 BOWLS!!! of course 2 bowls isn't much. i mixed a tbsp of cereal with 2 tbsp of milk..... he was just getting the hang of eating it when it was gone. the dr said if he seemed to like it to give him as much as he wanted. so i mixed up another batch, and he ate all that. AND he took a 6 oz bottle to wash it down!!! this was at 5 30. i nursed him some before bed like always, he was in his bed and asleep by 8 15.

and then he slept straight thru the night!!!

he usually sleeps form 8 to 5 30. his dr said that was still a little early for him to be waking up. i didn't know how to break him of it though. i'd give him a good 30 minutes before i'd go in and feed him. he wans't going back to sleep so i had to do something so i could go back to sleep! so maybe the cereal will help him stay asleep at night. i heard him at 5 30 this morning but he never really woke up, he just stirred around some. i woke up at 7 30 and went and peeked at him. he was sucking away peacefully on his thumb.....i didn't have to get him up til a little after 8, and then i only went and got him up b/c i knew he was mostly awake, he was in there talking to himself off and on, and it had been 13 hours since he ate last.

he was so cute last night. he made some funny faces when he was eating! and he talked thru the whole thing!! he made this motor boat noise alot. he would mash his lips together and try and blow air thru them and make this little "bbbbbvvvvvv" noise. he sounded like a little boat taking off!or he'd do it real fast "bbvvv" bbbbvvv" bbvvvvv" making short and long sounds, he's so smart! of course he sprayed cereal everywhere more than once!! it was fun!!

i can't wait for dinner tonight!!

oh, and she said if he does' good on the cereal and doens't act too gassy or uncomfortable we can reduce his medicine to night time only in aout 2 weeks, and then in 2 more weeks if he still seem comfortable we can stop his medicine all together.

YAY!! hopefully his cereal helps his reflux rather than makes it worse!
i think that's the way it's supposed to go actually..... i don't know, i'll have to read about that part again.....


Cupcake Blonde said...

This is so exciting! I think the best thing about having a little one is seeing all the stages as they grow. This is a big one and so cool! And he seems to like it too which is great! And I love those noises the make when they eat cerel for the first time, so cute.

Cathy said...

The cereal helped Cassi when she had the reflux. She was 3 months when we started. Doctor figured it would help keep the reflux down, which it did. Glad for you that you had a good night's sleep. Now, if he continues, you'll have to make sure you can sleep through like he does.

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