Friday, October 16, 2009

random bits and pieces

my kids are growing up!!
natalie is eating 2 different cereals,carrots,squash and apple sauce!!

TJ-everything is followed with the word 'yuck'. i don't know why,but he uses this word like it was 'and'or 'it'.it's part of every normal sentence.
he's also making full sentences.some of them make sense like "let's rock and then go ny-nyte" which comes out "wock wock anen ny-nyte" or "go find a book" which comes out so normal sounding it's amazing!
and then there's the silly stuff like "mama car.byebye-goin,goin" which means "let get in the car and go somewhere!!" which he did to me at 8 this morning.thank God we have errands to do later,he won't be disappointed.

my counselor wants to me start journaling.i don't want to.i hate journaling!! but i bought some fancy pretty pens to help inspire me!

my husband has had some kind of break thru in some sense b/c he actually admitted the other day that he has been feeling 'so empty'. of couse that was in the same conversation we had about the kids where he wanted me to tell them he'd be here to pick them up on thanksgiving.
kids have no concept of if he comes and gets them great.but i'm not making a big deal out of it.he hasn't been to see them since august and other time he was supposed to see them sense then he always bailed.
he said "i'm not gunna come to town and not see them over the holiday" and i replied with "oh?like you haven't been NOT not seeing them this whole time?"
he said "i know.i got back to el paso and i've just felt so empty"
that could mean anything.
i'm not reading in to it.
but i was glad to see some sort of emotion in him other than self defense.

oh,and the COL is supposed to be evaluating his emotional state this week.
i woudln't care that he's acting crazy if he wasn't deploying.but he's not using good judgement,he's had a very irrational selfish way of thinking as of late so i finally told someone i thought his mental state of mind wasn't what it should be for going in to battle.
he's going to be furious with me. i'd rather they evaluate him and find nothing wrong other than that he's pissed at me -than not say anything and have something horrible happen b/c his decision making process isn't functioning properly.

i'll elaborate on what makes me think he's nuts later.
i have to go get lunch going!

1 comment:

Cupcake Blonde said...

This blog is a journal! You can write posts and not post them if you want to share things not publicly. You may even print them out to give to your therapist. No need for an actual book and pens! :)

You sound much better in this post. More sure of yourself and gorunded which is important. And focusing on the kids is wonderful.