Thursday, September 11, 2008

an update

well the dr says the new baby is due may 9. i don't think that's exactly right b/c i didn't have my last cycle dates right when i went in. i'm leaning more towards may 7. however baby tj came a week early so we'll see. this baby is due sometime in may anyway.

the things i like about being pregnant:

i have a great day so long as i exercise. i feel so much better when i'm out walking or doing some yoga or something. (this is always nice. otherwise i just feel sick!)

i have aboslutely flawless, beautiful skin. like i used the worlds most magical facial moisturizer or some super charged foundation that matched perfect in color and texture. my face looks super smooth, i have these huge poors around my nose -kind of in the t-zone are. when i'm pregnant, they disappear. i could get by without wearing makeup for months. i have nice rosy checks and my eyes are so blue you'd think i was wearing contacts. even my eye lashes look blacker! ok, i'm just being wierd now.

the things i don't like:

everything hurts. and i'm not even big!

i am in serious danger of pinching someones head off 24/7

some days i am overwhelmed with the urge to sit down and cry (which used to be very like me during pms before teege was born,but not so much now,well, until i found out i was pregnant)

my stomach is wierd. if i go to long without eating i feel sick. if i eat i feel sick anyway, though not as bad.

yesterday the only thing that made me feel better -chocolate chip cookies.(this could be a VERY bad thing......very bad.)

my face is more oily than normal - but that's probably why my skin looks so young and fresh!

i am TIRED! so very tired! i can't hardly keep my eyes open sometimes!

no alcohol

and i guess there is more to this that i am going to not like down the road. for right now it's just a matter of staying on top of my stomach so it doesn't get the better of me.

i didn't have bad morning sickness with Teege -hopefully i am as lucky this time.

big TJ had PKR(or is it PRK?) surgery on his eyes yesterday. it's a corrective surgery like laysic. he's doing great ;though i did have to fight him in the middle of the night at midnight, 3 am, and 6 am, to take his pain meds and put his drops in. i said "dude. i have given birth recently. you really should stay on top for your pills or you will regret it later."
he's been sleeping pretty much for the last 24 hrs. it's the only thing that keeps his eyes from bothering him.
and he has to wear sunglasses at all times unless he is in the dark for the next month. it's so funny to see him sitting in front of the tv with sun glasses on.(but too much light and activity on his eyes can cause scaring of some kind so it is better just to keep them closed.
he can't drive anywhere for the nest week. it's all up to me if i don't want to be held hostage in this house all week long.

he doens't need too much taking care of. mostly just reminders to take all of his medicine and rest his eyes. i've threatened to beat him a time or two for trying to do to much.

other than that today is my 27th birthday and we are doing nothing b/c he can't really go out anywhere and do anything.
but we will survive. there's not really much we could do anyway besides go out to eat. we can't like go to a movie or anything -i guess we could go wander the mall. it's not bright at the mall so his eyes would be ok. and we could stick the baby in his stroller and he'd have fun!
or we could just sit at home like an old tired couple. (we do that alot anyway)

we are having family over for cake and ice cream saturday. so it's not like the day is going to go uncelebreated. i can't wait for cake! i asked my mom to make german chocolate! YUMMY!

ah cake!
chocolate cake!!

i hope the new baby likes cake.

i am going to be disappointed if i can't handle any!


Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday (again), honey!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Ahhh, I need to read the older posts first! Now I get the surgery mention from the post above. Sorry.

I like your things you like about being pregnant. Something to look forward to. And all your dislikes I feel already so maybe I will feel no different if I ever get pregnant.

Happy Birthday (AGAIN!)