Wednesday, September 24, 2008


well how long has it been? nothing new has happened. nothing major or distract.
i've just been sick to my tummy and oh so sleepy that i can't manage to hardly do any thing!
it makes me feel like a bad mommy. teege plays so well by himself. he will sit in the floor with his toys or bang on the coffee table or crawl around but never out of sight -well, hardly ever anyway- that i can manage to just somehow sit on my butt alot of the time. or i can stick him in his play pin. i have even tried to get down on the floor with him during the parts of the day when i feel good and play with him, but he just ignores me most of the time.
we haven't gotten to walk much the last week or so. i used to go every day. and it was the one thing that kept the nausea at bay. now if i can get my breakfast down that's about all i can handle.
this will pass and i'll be able to interact with my kid more. he's just so stinkin' good that he doesn't care if i'm ignoring him! he doesn't seem to notice that's what's going on at this point! but sometimes i want to play with him and i just can't. i feel like i'll puke if i move! other times well, he's so sidetracked with what he's doing that he happily plays away while i lay in the floor next to him, and he ignores me.
i'll just have to do better about catching him at the right times i guess.

i need to put up new pics for ya'll to see. we're coming up on the first year ya know.

TJ's eyes are doing good. they gave him some goop to put in his eyes every night before bed -now that the protective lenses are off -but even with the goop his eye ball still sticks to the inside of his eye lid when he sleeps. not bad. i'm sure it would be worse if he didn't have the goop.
ugh! i can't imagine that that feels like! he says it hurts pretty bad.

i'm tyring to plan teege's first birthday party.
i'm kind of leaning towards thomas the train decorations and cup cakes. it'll just be a small party.
we don't know that many little kids. and then there'll be extra family of course.
oh! we have to have it a week early b/c TJ leaves for OBC on teege's birthday! imagine that! he reports to ft sill on the baby's first birthday. he's totally torn up over it. i told him it'd be fine! we'd just do it early. but that didn't seem to make him feel better.

other than that i am going on 8 weeks pregnant and still haven't been to see my dr yet b/c the stupid insurance is having issues! i've called like every day for the last 2 weeks! and they finally got a supervisor on the case to get things moving. apparently since i wasn't affected by the hurricane i kind of got to take the back seat at getting all of my problems resolved. i'll probably be in my 2nd trimester before i get to be seen.
stupid insurance.
it is free medical.
i can't complain really.
Teege cost over 20K and we didn't have to pay a single penny.

can't complain about that at all.

other than that i am absolutely useless! i can't eat if i have to cook the food first. i've lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 lbs. yesterday i had a huge allergy attack and could smell or taste anything. it was great. i managed to eat almost an entire plate for dinner instead of a blob of this and that. and before that i had a whole can of Mandarin oranges and some bold chex party mix. a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch after i woke up from nap. my neighbor brought me enchiladas for dinner. and then i had some milky way minis and another bowl of cinnamon toast crunch before bed. it was bliss. i didn't have to suffer one second for eating.
i don't know which is worse. feeling so sick or sneezing so bad! i think at this point i'd rather sneeze.
anyway, i'm going to go get some rest while i have the chance.
hopefully i won't be away for so long for my next post.

1 comment:

Cupcake Blonde said...

The party sounds fun, although it sucks TJ won't be there for the actual birthday. I can see how that would upset him. That sucks!

You sound like you are doing well, but you need to get to the doctor girl! Make sure everything checks out okay. :) Stupid insurance. I hate them.