Thursday, March 26, 2009

notes to self:

  • do not run while pregnant. (i took 2 bounding steps -try as i may i couldn't actually 'run'- after Teege yesterday.he was going as fast as he could over to the neighbors yard -where i had already 'borrowed' toys off their front sidewalk -which i have permission to do.) i didn't want him over there, only by the time i managed to ooch myself up out of my lawn chair he was already gone. so i tried to run after him. and i am paying for it. who would have thought it would hurt so bad? there are obviously bones between my legs i had no idea existed.and they hurt.
  • the weather man is always wrong.(well, last night they were pretty close to predicting exactly how/when/who the hail storm was going to hit) but today on the noon news they were detecting thunderstorms well off to the south of the area and that all was calm locally. right after the news ended we had quite a few large booms of thunder and a nice rain shower -which is still falling.
  • i have located all of the bottle parts/milk storage containers that i need for baby's arrival.they just need to be ran thru the dishwasher.which i will do closer to time for her arrival.
  • i have washed atleast half of the baby clothes we've aquired from friends and neighbors for new baby.that's going well. again, it's a little early for that b/c now they are going to smell like musty old dresser when i put them on her. but i don't care. they will still be clean.
  • the reason why i have been suffering so over the last week is b/c -tadah! baby is head down already! AMAZING! the dr said there was a chance she could flip back up still,and that it didn't mean she would come any earlier than ds did(1 week) but that was why i had this enormous out break of hemeroids! (and had to pee literally every 10 minutes.and couldn't sleep.and couldn't sit comfortablly.)i have never had them! and had kind of hoped to avoid them! but after giving birth once and then having a baby sit very low thru an entire 2nd pregnancy i guess it is an unavoidable thing. luckily the dr found it humerous when i said "i finally got the nerve to look with a hand mirror and i thought "well! i have my own personal ball sack!"
  • teege is teething. AGAIN! come on mollars! come in already! you are making us all misterable!
  • target registry: i set this up a while back b/c my mother is sending out some kind of birth announcements in april. just a little note to say we are expecting a baby girl in may and if anyone would like to send a gift here's the registry and please ship it to 'their house'. well i went back and viewed my registry b/c there are certain items i am going to NEED before natalie is born. a lot of the stuff that i used with teege was all loaned down to me and i have already given it all back. aside from the boppy. which was also loaned to me. from my sister. how used it a ton, and then i used it a ton, and washed it a ton and it has no shape or hold to it at all. i need a new one. and most of the stuff that i'm going to need/want is 'out of stock' or been replaced or discontinued or whatever. nice. great. i best order her oh so cute available online only diaper bag before it's gone to, b/c i love it so! i guess it'll work out though. i just may have to go online and replace a few of those items.

i guess that's all i know for now. i'm going to go try and rest a bit before teege decides he's going to wake up!


Cupcake Blonde said...

Every time I see a post on here I think you are going to be telling us you are in labor. It's getting close, right? Sounds like you are almost all set. But that sucks about the registry. I hate it when stoes do that. Happened to me for our wedding registry. Maybe we just have tastes that people think should be available because we are so awesome!

jellybean said...

VP- "Maybe we just have tastes that people think should be available because we are so awesome!"
oh, i have about 6 weeks left til my due date, but the dr i saw last week said this baby would be atleast a week early since teege was.each pregnancy usually patterns after the last. so 5 ish weeks.4.5 if you want to get technical.
scary stuff! i'm printing the 'what to take to the hospital' list today. so i can start making mental notes of what i want to take with me.