Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i'm back!

how about a bullet post today? just so you can see what i've been up to and i can spare you all the unnecessary details...
  • we found a house. we had been told that they were trying to move tj to san antonio rather than new braunfels but we have yet to hear anything definite on that. they are so close together that the 2 practically run together so what difference does it make which city limit we live in?
  • the house: it's one of those new subdivisions that is all brand new homes. the kind that you can walk in to the office and pick your floor plan, your color scheme, the whole works. the build it for you. you just pick which corner of the subdivision to nestle it in. the draw back: there are next to no trees! but you run in to that with newer houses.
  • the other draw back. once the "break ground" on our house it will take 4 months to build. this house -based on what i've seen in our current area -will sell way before the new house is ready -which would be about christmas. what to do about that? i guess we'll have to be someones house guest for a while.
  • TJ leaves for his next part of school in november. another 8 weeks. he'll be back for 2 weeks over christmas, and leave again in january and be home sometime at the tail end of april. whew! i'm exhausted just thinking about all that!
  • what does the above mean for the sell/buy of the houses? a POA, for me. so i can sign all of the selling and buying papers without him here - that's scary and exhilarating at the same time. he's never even considered a POA before, not even during a deployment -which is never safe! but chances are all of the paper work will be needing to be finalized at some point when he is gone.
  • our new house will be ready for move in when he is home over christmas -what a great christmas present!
  • this house is ready to go on the market. we are finalizing paper work with our realtor friday to get this baby out there to be seen and sold! i do have the heavy duty cleaning and once room,closet, and bathroom left to organize, but it's easy stuff. mostly just stuff that needs to be stuck in a box and stacked in the garage. easypeasy!
  • oh, we went to seaworld! last week. it was a blast! i got to feed the dolphins! that was my favorite part!we saw the shamu show, the sea lions show. we went to see the penguins and the sharks -they don't let you feed them though!LOL! we went down one roller coaster -the shortest one they had there. just to cool off. it was one of those water coaster things where you splash in to a big pool at the end and the folks standing on the bridge get all soaked. we were in the 2nd row. we hardly got wet at all. there were 2 dips in the whole thing. once you topped the hill at the beginning you oonched out on this platform and it spun you in a circle -real slow-twice. we realized then we were facing backwards.ACK! and down we went. it was really a short dip -but it was awful. you went almost straight down backwards. and then we went up the next hill backwards, and out on to another platform, and spun 2 more slow circles, and then oonched out over the top of a really steep hill, and then straight down!!!! GAH! IT WAS AWFUL! it scared us both so bad we didn't go on anymore rides. when we hit the down hill part i felt TJ slam his elbow in to my chest. he was trying to hold me in my seat! it was so sweet! i was just clinging to my lap bar for dear life and here he was trying to hold on himself and make sure i didn't fall off the ride. it was calle the Journey To Atlantis. probably the worlds shortest roller coaster, but it was more than enough for me!
  • we are trying for baby #2. i'll keep you posted on that. it's going to be interesting. we'll be moving to a new town, where we don't know anyone. and he'll be leaving for an on and off of 6 months- Lord knows just to factor in some extra stress i'll probably end up pregnant on top of everything else. may as well get it all over and done with at once. i'm still about 15 lbs heavier than i'd like to be at this point and my only hope would be that i would have such bad morning sickness -which i had near to none last time! -that i'd loose weight the first trimester. fingers crossed. we'll see.
  • TJ ordered his dress blues for the ball last week. they have to have them you know. which is why i guess they can charge out the ass for them. it cost $750.00 for the things. pants,shirt,jacket and shoes. seven hundred and fifty friggin dollars. the draw back of being an officer -we no longer get a clothing allowance for all his uniforms and accessories b/c he makes so much more money. there are things we will both miss about him being an NCO. but i am proud of him for making the change. it really was the best thing for all of us.
  • he's branching field artillery. another ACK! but he's excited about that too. i mean, what man wouldn't like to shoot off a cannon and blow something up? that's why he'll be gone for so long at the end of the year. this particular change involves quite a long stretch of training.

and that me dears i suppose is the last 2 weeks or so summed up in a nut shell. we've just been busy busy around here! hope all is well!

  • oh wait!!! i got my book! the final book in the Twilight series(THANKS AUNTIE SHADES) that i've been raving about off and on all my blogging days! Breaking Dawn. i can't even decide now which book is my favorite. i think Twilight will always hold a special place in my heart-it was after all where the story unfolded- and New Moon is definitely my least favorite of the 4.And Eclipse, well, i loved it! but Breaking Dawn is nothing like what i expected!there is twist after twist! i find myself speed reading each page to get to the next which means of course that i'm going to have to go back and reread it once the craze is over so that i can better absorb every detail. *SIGH* what a lovely world some books can uncover.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's alot! You didn't tell me ANY of this when you called! and Mom hasn't kept me posted, either...
You sure had alot to say! You should have said more when you called!

So... you signed stuff and put down $ on a new house, then? or are just still in the thinking stage? or what...?

Oh, and you're welcome. Glad you are liking it.

jellybean said...

i'm sorry!i didn't say anything b/c sometimes i'm not so thrilled about having to move;what with the one set of great neighbors we have and being all settled and stuff. this also means we'll be having to go go BAMC for all our medical care. military drs. yuck! i didn't want my next baby to be born in a military hospital, just b/c i'm sure with the way some military drs' half ass everything that delivery would be twice as terrifying as the first one!
i just figured mom would have told you! i'll remember next time to prattle about everything so long as you remember to tell me if you already knew! :)
we are supposed to put our earnest money down and go pick out a "plot" to put it on on sunday. it's only 500$ to put down. and then if for some reason our house doesn't sell they just give us our $ back and put the house on the market to sell. no if's and's our but's about it! we've already been approved for the mortgage so that's not an issue anymore. i'm just trying to decide now if i want them to add the sprinkler system(which really woulnd't be so bad not to have but quite a luxury to have. no more dragging the sprinkler around.) i just need to konw how much extra that would make the house cost. and if we do the seperate garden tub and shower in the master bathroom we loose the ONLY linnen closet in the house! but we can always add shelves in our closet or something i guess.....
there's more to think about than i care about sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I really think that, if he's going to be gone so much now, and then deployed after all of the schooling is finished, you should just stay where you are. He's not going to be around to commute to work enough for it to be that big of a deal, or any kind of pain in the butt. You're the one who's going to be home alone dealing with it all, all of the time. Wouldn't you just rather stay where you are and do what you've been doing? Managing the sale of one house, the construction of another, moving out, moving in, with a small child and possibly while expecting another is alot of work. Not that you can't do it, but why volunteer for it if you don't have to? Wait until he's done with the schooling and deployment, until there are two kids that are a little older, and the market is better.

jellybean said...

oh i know. all of that has crossed my mind at some point.
TJ's theory: "when i'm back we'll all be all together in the same place. things will already be all settled"
things are already all settled silly!
but this is what he thinks is best for us, and so i go along with it.
it's not that i think it's a bad idea. it's just not the easy thing for me.
but i can't justify that b/c i don't work afterall.i don't have a prayer to cling to since my job is my home. and my home is where he is. and so i will do this for him. like i always have just b/c i would follow him anywhere. i know he won't be there much at first, but when he is, we'll be ready.
oh it's a big job and i cringe at the idea. but it's do able.
that's all i can manage when he asks me my opinion. "sure i'd rather stay put, but there's no reason why i can't manage it."
one day, when the kids are in school and we are still having to move every couple of yrs, since we are limited to the state of tx he will have the opportuinity to be a geographical bachelor b/c i won't drag the kids to school after school year after year. so long as it's just state wide he can come home on the weekends.

Jen said...

I rationalize that way alot, myself.
However, moving to the 'hood in Indy, WITH KEVIN when Kevin was then out-of-town every 2 weeks, for 10-14 days at a time... yeah... that was bad. It was a bad idea. It's why I don't do stuff like that anymore. Why go away with someone who isn't going to be there with you?

I guess we all have to try it for ourselves once, in order to learn whether it works for us or not... still... why not just move when he's back to help out and participate in it all, instead of leaving your support system and having to build a new one on top of everything else?

I get myself in alot of trouble by habitually thinking "well, there is no physical reason why I cannot do this... and it needs to be done... and somebody has to... and I'm here... so why not me?"

Trust me. It's how I became who I am and got where I am, and it ain't no picnic. Especially when people take advantage of it- cuz then you're just walked on.