oh, he's 6 months old today by the way.
a follow up to my post from yesterday:
today has been much better for us.i wonder if teege is having a growth spurt on top of the change to formula, the diaper rash(though it is minimal i am sure it is bothersome) and his poor teeth trying to make their way out of his gums!
i didn't even hesitate this morning. when he woke up i brought on the tylenol! then i fed him.
at nap time i brought out the orajel! it took me 2 hours to actually get him down for his nap! he cried and cried and screamed at me to no end! (no matter if i was rocking him or leaving him in his crib b/c i needed to catch a little break)at some point i brought out the gas drops(mylecon) i havene't had to use these yet but the nurse at the dr's yesterday said i could use them b/c chances are his formula would make him gassy and therefore fussy.)
he finally went to sleep. and then made up for lost time awake by sleeping for 2 hours and 15 minutes. he doesn't do this. i was shocked! and thrilled! i got 2 hrs and 15 minutes all to myslef today! usually i get between 45 minutes and 1 hour! (stretched out over 2-3 time a day)
of course when i called mom at the 2 hour mark to have someone to rejoyce with he woke up. (why not?) he knew i was talking about him i guess and didn't want me to get too used to the idea that he can nap for the averag naptime.
speaking of the pediatrician's nurse, this brings up something else:
i called yesterday about his teeth. the nurse wanted to talk to me about why i was breastfeeding and doing formula together.
she said i had confused my baby, and he was having upset tummy b/c of the combination of formula and breast milk. she told me that i needed to pick one or the other and stick with it.
how else does a woman ween her baby? i can't give him water for crying out loud! he's 6 months old. he has to have the formula.and i am not weening him cold turkey.
i know several women who nurse their babies morning and night and send them to day care with formula! women supplement with formula for their newborns while they wait for their milksupply to build up. it's done all the time. a lot of women don't want to nurse their babies around the clock.
if i could use cow's milk i would- it's still cheaper than formula. but he's too young for that still.
i don't think the nurse realized that he is not confused b/c he was already used to getting breastmilk in a bottle. it's not the friggin bottle that's upset him. it's not the lack of boob, he was getting 1-2 bottles a day from my freezer stash before i decided to start the formula.
and i don't think the formula is really upsetting his tummy b/c he's on solids. he's taking all sorts of stuff into his tummy, and frankly the only thing we had issues with was sweet potatoes. and that passed quickly.
if his tummy is upset at all i believe it is just adjusting. like it has had to adjust to every other new food i have introduced.
so there. take that you silly nurse.
now i must go and do somethin with the last little bit of Teege's 2nd nap. i can't afford to waste them. TJ will be home for a 3 day weekend, and we all know i get nothing done when my husband is home.
I am wondering if the nurse misunderstood you because what she said doesn't seem right. I mean, I have heard of women doing both all the time.
Glad things are better today and keep the bare bottom pics coming, They are adorable! He looks so happy to be nekkid!
Hi! First off, Teege is just about the cutest little thing. We definitely do need to get our little guys together soon. I'll call or email before my next visit.
Secondly, nursing and formula was a little tough for Grant. I found that the Target brand was best. I think that's a cheap form of enfamil. He would be terribly gassy with similac. We started him on the gentle tummy kind, and then transitioned off of it. Another thought to consider is earaches. Grant has had two pretty bad ones and he never ran a fever or had an icky runny nose. He had a cough and was terribly fussy and wouldn't ever sleep. So maybe that's a possibility...
And finally, you can prevent people from searching into your blog. Like, if you googl my blogs name, it won't pop up. You can't surf into my blog by its name or its posts. There's a setting you can choose when setting up your blog. I would check it out. You can never be too safe...
Sorry haven't been around. Have my only final this morning. ATROCIOUS! But, hopefully, I get a B in the class. That would be nice. I graduate Saturday, but won't know my grade in this class til Tuesday. Is that stress or what?
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