Friday, May 16, 2008

some of this and some of that.

i am not going to get to walmart or to the bank today. time is against me. my child is against me. heck even my husband is against me b/c he came home from work at lunch today -b/c he has drill this weekend and is leaving town this afternoon- and is in there taking a nap! are you kidding me!
teege is in his crib. awake. playing. b/c he's tired and doesn't want to go to sleep.
i was up at 6 30 this morning. i think i have done 100 loads of laundry today. and i have benadryl head b/c i can't stop sneezing. no, not even after i took the benadryl. and i want to take a nap. and i can't. b/c "someone" else won't let me.
TJ has a long weekend ahead of him. he deserves a nap. but i really think that if he deserves a nap - then i definately deserve one - or ten.

my weekly pondering this week has been baby formula.

can you really buy store brand?

i used to not buy generic anything.
i thought it was fake.
i thought it was the devil.
til i realized i lived off of generic tylenol and advil. and milk.
then the trend started for me.
now i buy alot of storebrand whatevers! (canned soup and veggies are an acception b/c i truely think they do taste fake if they aren't store brand. which is wierd b/c i buy store brand frozen veggies all the time....go figure.)

so i'm at walmart the other day pricing enfamil formula(did i tell ya'll teege is weened?) it's cheaper at walmart than HEB by like 30 cents or something.
regardless it is ATLEAST 25$ a can and some change.
and that last a week. most of the time it makes it that far......hopefully.
i start compairing different brands with what they offer.
Teege is on a milk based product with DHA/ARA/iron/the closest formula to breast milk we can get without canning the damn stuff.
i start looking for a similar "recepie" in a different brand, just to compare price.
i find Parents choice brand milk based formula.
Right on the can it says "COMPARE TO ENFAMIL LIPIL"
i look at the price tag.
$11.88 per can
holy shit!
what the crap!
i call mom(only because i ask her about EVERYTHING kid related!)
"it's the same thing in a different can for half the price!"
i shriek in the phone!
i googled the brand when i got home to compare ingredients and see how it rated with all the formula regulations. does it meet all the standards? how similar is it really to what he's already on?
yes it meets all the standards. they wouln't sell it if it didn't.
the ingredients match to a T - though some of the nutrients varied - but only slightly. so slightly that i'm sure what is missing will be made up in his fruits and veggies.
i called teege's dr.
they said go for it.
they only push the name brands b/c there's more testing done on them. and they exceed the standard requirements.
so i hope it agrees with him. it should b/c it's the same stuff pretty much. just a different brand.
i'm excited about this!
it's so obvious that i was paying for a name when i was buying enfamil. i hate knowing that! i never thought much about it before now. it's the same friggin' formula in a different colored can.
jeez! i'm glad i figured it out now rather than after he's off the stuff all together.

something new i discovered:
vinegar and baking soda work great on grease!
i had nothing better to do yesterday so i decided to tackle the task of cleaning me ventahood over my stove.
(like i said. i had nothing better to do)
i mixed up a liquidy paste and tadah! i hardly even had to scrub! it cut right thru the mess!
i hadn't cleaned that thing since we moved in 4 years ago. who knows when it was cleaned last.
and not it sparkles!
all thanks to vinegar and baking soda.
i will remember them forever. they are my new friends!

i made some poor mans filet mignon for dinner a few nights ago.
i forget about this recepie and mom always reminds me of it when i am in a crunch for dinner b/c it is quick.
you take a lb. of ground meat.
seperate it out in to 4 or 5 balls. wrap bacon around them.pat them down just a bit so they're more squatty than round.
dump soy or worchestershire sauce on it. let it sit and soak for a bit(i like to let it sit an hour or more that way it gets good and tasty!
and broil it.
i made homemade mac and cheese and broccoli to go with it.

it was delicious!

i'm watching the neighbors pets this weekend. they are good animals. the dog is really the only bad one. and she's not bad. she just doesn't like to be put to bed so she ignores you at bed time. otherwise she is always happy to see you!

i have no idea what we're going to do tonight after TJ leaves.
i have quite a bit on the dvr that still needs to be watched.
and more laundry to fold.

it's going to be a quiet weekend.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the soups, but I actually prefer the generic veggies.

jellybean said...

i hadn't had a can of generic veggies in a while....maybe i will give them another shot.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Generic to me tastes better most of the time. I think brand names are highly overrated. Good find and yea to saving money!

jellybean said...

YAY!! we like $$$ around here!