Saturday, June 21, 2008

annoyed annoyed annoyed!

i have had next to no sleep!
i called me in laws this morning. my fil works out of town. he's rarely home on the weekends these days. the live on some property with 3 houses.
i need to take teege out to see his great grama (she lives on their property). almost every time in the past that we have gone out there to see them my fil's wife (TJ's step mom. my other mil) has had to work and hasn't gotten to see teege.
i called this morning to talk to her and see if she had a few days off next week that i could bring out the baby to see her and great grama. mil2 is normally off on weekdays.
well my fil(Pop) is home this weekend. today but not tomorrow.
and they have their other 2 grand kids this weekend too.
so they wanted me to come out today. but they are going to the rode tonight around 7ish and won't be home this evening.
i hadn't planned on going anywhere!
AND a friend of mine was wanting to bring her 5 month old little boy by to play this afternoon.
this woudln't be a problem normally. it's just not plans that i had planned on making.
i tried to call my friend to see if she was still coming by - she didn't answer.
i guess i'll just have to play it by ear.
i was hoping to just go out their on a leisurley week day and visit with the 2 gramas. but now pop is home and the have other kids over.
this just irritates me!
i know, it's nothing to be bothered by really.
if crystal comes by i could probably still make it there by like 4 or 5. it's just not something i was planning on doing.
but if crystal does come by then i can just call them and tell them i still have afternoon plans and can't make it today.
problem solved..........


Cupcake Blonde said...

Why does it seem we must bend to everyone else's schedules? Do they think that because you are home all the time you can just drop everything and dash over. We have friends like this, who always expect us to come to them and they never come see us. It gets tiring after awhile.

jellybean said...

indeed it does.
sometimes i just want to scream "you can get in your car and drive over here easier than i can go there! i have to get my purse and pack a diaper bag and make sure i have enough crap with me in case we end up staying somewhere all day or stranded on the sdie of the road!!"

folks need to have a new crash course in common courtsey i swear.