Wednesday, June 11, 2008

today is wednesday

i didn't now that.
that today is wednesday.
that's the one thing i hate about not having a "job" to go to daily.
i forget what day it is . and the date.

i need a shower.
it is 2 18 in the pm.
i want to lay out.
i want to be super tan this summer b/c last summer was a totaly flop! being pregnant and all.
teege just went to sleep.
do i take a shower and do house things? or do i go lay out.
i guess i will go lay out.
i can always do house things in the middle of the night when i can't sleep.

we are starting finger foods this week. it's going really well though i must say i was terrified to start the process. i took some pics today. i got some good ones with teege's face and hands covered in biter biscuit gunk.
he looks so proud of himself too!
i'll put them up soon.

once again the stupid women on my military wife message board are picking on me. this time it was about being afraid to start the finger foods.
one of the ladies was really nasty and told me that if i didn't let him start finger foods i was
"in essence of stifiling his developement". she also told me i was sending him a messed up message b/c i had given him a cereal puff thing and then tried to dig it out of his mouth as soon as he tried to eat it.
it was the first time i had given him anything small! it was also the first "real solid thing" i had given him to eat. not to mention he still has no teeth and doesn't try and gum or mash anything. he swallows everything whole.

i don't know why i bother with that site. the only reason i didn't tell her she was a bitch was b/c i didn't want to be kicked off. now i kind of wish i had.

here are a few other things she said to me.

Your kid is going to be on soft foods for life if you freak like that everytime he eats a food designed to be chewed yet not choke him. Those Gerber puffs are basically corn dust and air. Once they come into contact with any sort of moisture (like drool, which babies make by the gallon) they turn into mush which is what you are feeding him anyway, right? Are you CPR certified? If not, I highly reccomend it for all parents.

i responded with this.

not certified but they made us take the class when we were in the nicu so we'd know what to do if we needed to.he's certainly willing to try it out. the finger foods i mean.i bought the puffs b/c i hadn't given him anything small to pick up. he puts everything in his mouth so i had been waiting still.then i started thinking it might be time to try some finger foods.we started solids early, at 4 months.our peditiricain said he'd be ready for bigger foods when he started picking up things with his pincher grasp.(i hadn't seen him do this so i gave him something small enough to see if he could)i bought the puffs b/c i figured they'd soften faster than a cheerio and wanted to give him something easy to pick up that woudln't be slippery like a banana chunk,just to help him master the skill.


Then let him! Don't take it away as soon as you give it to him. That sends some messed up messages to your kid. You are in essence stifling his development by not letting him do what he is ready to do. If you are worried about what will happen if he chokes, educate yourself. Personally, I think every parent should have the bare minimum of first aid. Also, it's not about you. YOU are scared. YOU don't want to give him finger foods. This motherhood thing isn't all fuzzy bunnies and laugh tracks. It's scary and dirty and unpredictable. Learn to roll with it.

chavita don't talk to me about scary and dirty and unpredictable.i know more about than in my early days as a mother than you could imagine.we all have the things we are nervous about.let's just support eachother in them.

#1. If you are going to type my name, spell it right. #2. I'm not going to sugarcoat things to make you feel better. You put it out there. Don't expect everyone to be all RAH RAH RAH cheerleader GOOD FOR YOU!!! I will tell you the truth. Can't handle it? Oh well. Then don't put it out there or else learn to take other opinions as they come.

"chivita" i didn't mean to spell your name wrong. did i ask for ideas to make it easier? sure. wouldn't most new moms? had i done this before i wouldn't be edgy about it. i can deal with others opinions just fine. however i won't deal with being attacked.

You asked for advice. Was it something you wanted to hear? Probably not. I've got ONE kid. I've only done this child-rearing thing once and I am nowhere near done with raising my son. So it's not like what I told you came from years of experience raising multiple children. Oh, and this? {chavita don't talk to me about scary and dirty and unpredictable.i know more about than in my early days as a mother than you could imagine.}No, I don't know. And you don't know what I went through, or what anyone else went through. This isn't a competition to see who's had it harder. if it is, I don't want to participate because I know I've had it good and I am not the type to put on the Woe Is Me act. If you feel you were attacked, so be it. If you take an opinion that wasn't what you wanted to hear as an attack, then so be it.

after that i decided to ignore her.
i wanted so bad to tell her "my mom's neighbor has a dog names chivita and she is a bitch. she barks and growls at everyone!"
i just quit responding back.
she did attack me.
she was totally off subject.
i asked about what the best finger foods to start with were. not "hey what should i do about being scared about this?"
just b/c it made me worried and edgy didn't mean i was going to feed him mush for the rest of his life.

i wanted to throw my computer out the window i was so mad.

i am going to be done with those women.
they ignore all the new ppl anyway. it's rare for me to get more than one or 2 comments from anyone.
and in this case i just pissed someone off enough to keep it going :)

anyway, i guess if i am going to lay out i better get on it.
hopefully the sun is still out!


Anonymous said...

There's a first time for everything, and it's normal for alot of those "firsts" to be scary. If they didn't make you pause, wonder, question... you wouldn't be normal. Just because you have to take the chance doesn't mean you don't get to be a little concerned. Expressing concerns is healthy. She is not being helpful and on the boards I help moderate, her behavior would have been flagged, reported, and she would have been warned and banned by now. Sounds to me like you've graduated from that site and are ready to move on to something else. has alot of family/child message boards that my friend, Kim, always enjoyed. They're better supervised, too. Maybe you should look into those. You're looking for other new-to-this moms who can say "yeah, I've been there, here's what happened to us! /what we tried". Also, you stated several times that you were following the advice of your health care professional- where does she get off criticizing anything since you are doing what your pediatrician instructs?

Obviously, she just wants to look like a know-it-all and get attention. She's never going to let up, no matter what subject you're discussing. Some people can't just leave well enough alone and opt to not be involved with others that they don't play well with. She's one of them. Always sticking their noses where they don't belong because they have too much time on their hands.

jellybean said...

that is exactly what i thought myself. i wanted several different ways to go about the whole thing. i said right out that i was scared to death to make the change and what's the best way to start. she just seemed to need to attack my "fear as a new mom" as meaning that i was a bad selfish mom.

today i was thinking "i should have told her 'i'm sorry, i don't live in the wonderful world of hardass'"
i always thinkg of clever things to say after the fact.
i was wondering why the moderator let her hassle me so. she was posting right along on my thread but was being positive and encouraging so she knew full well what that girl was saying.
i peeked at the site again today and saw a thread some girl had posted about how great the sight was and how there was no drama or bitchy women. i wanted to say "um, hello.i've encountered quite a bit of head butting with some of the others on here...." but knew that they'd come back and tell me that i was the one with the problem.

it is over and done with. i will look at the one you mentioned. i am definately interested in finding something with folks who act "more their age".

jellybean said...

i have to add that that "girl" is 31 years old.

she seemed so highschool to me!

Cupcake Blonde said...

I think you need to find a new site. Those women are horrible. If the entire purpose of that forum is to help new moms and wives of military men out they are severely lacking in their ability to follow guidelines. Get advice from someone else. Because she did attack you when you asked a simple question. But don't worry. Know-it-alls like that usually "F" up their kids enough that they get theirs in the end.