Wednesday, April 15, 2009

37 weeks

i will be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow (or is it friday?)
i had an appt today.
i have been sent to bed.
of course i'm not IN bed right now. but i am sitting. i'm not walking or standing or anything like that. did you know there is nothing on tv in the afternoon?? it's so boring! i might have to bust out twilight just so i don't go bonkers! you can only watch so much tv.
what we know:
we have scheduled to be induced on the 23-a week from tomorrow. BUT i am at 3 cm and atleast 50% thinned out. the active stages of labor start at 4 cm.
so, even though we are planning on inducing in a week, there is a very very very big chance we won't have to.
my dr told me that 'staying off my feet would be very beneficial as far as keeping the baby in atleast til TJ can get home -hopefully she'll stay in til sunday so you'll be close to 38 weeks. but it's not lets just try and keep her in til your husband gets home.'

so mom and dad sent me to bed and are taking care of teege and just planning on staying here until TJ can get home.
needless to say TJ is in panic mode. he's trying to figure out how to get released sooner than saturday. fingers crossed he does. and fingers crossed the baby stays in at least another few days if not the whole week. we don't really want her to be born 3 weeks early.

anyway, that's that. forgive me if you don't hear from me forever.
i'm supposed to be paying bills that way they don't get forgotten.
i better get it done so i can lay back down!


Anonymous said...

Noooo! No more Twilight, damnit! Finish Eragon and get crackin' on that series! Or nag the library about The Dragon Heir. Don't make me come over there!

jellybean said...

no worries. i haven't read a single thing. it's amazing what you can find to watch on tv when your desperate.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy that while you can!

Cupcake Blonde said...

I always think I would love to be on bed rest because I love my bed, but then I realize being forced to stay in bed wuld eventually drive me bonkers. Here's to you not going inane with bordom! :)

Steelers Wine Girl said...

Thank heavens for your parents!! Hopefully they brought reading material ;)