Sunday, July 6, 2008

a tid bit of drama

i give up.


i went to my mothers for a week.(you remember the drama with the cat i'm sure. he's doing well by the way!) and i asked my "useless neighbor" to put my trash down at the curb on trash day.
i left my trash can out when i left. i tucked it neatly up by the house, on the drive way up against the garage door so that all's she'd have to do was roll it down to the street and back up.
the reason why i left it out was b/c it had a dead bird in it, and dirty diapers. AND IT STUNK! i didn't want it closed up in my garage. i thought briefly that i could possibly get a notice from HOA for the violating a property restriciton. but figured we'd lived here for 4 yrs and had yet to have a problem so i went on my way.

when i got home saturday and went to put the trash can back in the garage. it was still heavy. i opened the lid. it was still full.
wonder what happened. i called my "useless neighbor" and reminded her the day before trash day to drop it down by the street. i was assured with a "sure, it's not a problem. we'll be putting ours out anyway."
so i called her. she fed me some crap about having a migrane the night before and thinking she mentioned it to her husband to put mine out but then they both overslept and missed the trash run. so their trash didn't run either.
now remember all the stuff i had to do to tend to her pets while she was out of town 2 or 3 weeks ago? the garden, the damn gerbil, the 3 dogs that live inside and the 3 cats who can't seem to poop in the box? i even watered their grass out of the goodness of my heart.

i was pretty peeved. i took all of my animals with me to moms. the one thing i asked her to do was put my trash out. i didn't put it down at the street when i left b/c i figured i'd get in trouble for sure with HOA. they fine you for all kinds of stuff in our neighborhood! and it didn't get taken care of.
i though folks put their trash down at the street the night before they come to get it. the only reason we don't is b/c TJ always took it down on his way to work. that's when he chose to do it.

anyway, she apologized over and over and i just stuck the can in the back yard and got over it.

until i checked my mail.
i had a "violation notice" for leaving my trash can out in "public view" on a non trash day. WTF?!
they didn't fine me. but stated that further result of same or similar violations would result in one. i had a few days to remedy the situation before the next HOA inspection. i don't know how long it is before the next inspection. the letter was dated the 1st. and someone must have just stuck it in my mail box that same day b/c there was no stamp or postmark or anything. which means someone opened my mailbox when there was a weeks worth of mail sitting in it.(we have cluster boxes.)
they even took a picture of my trash can sitting neatly put away on my driveway and put it in with the letter.
gimme a break!
so i called my "useless neighbore" and told her all about it and how irritated i was. sure it was my fault for chancing leaving the trash can out all week, but what else was i to do? there was no reason to give her a key if i could just stick the trash out for easy access.
she made pretty light of it and said it wasn't a big deal and they wouldn't do anything they just like to bitch.
she said they got a letter the same day for their "crack grass".(i know. it is amusing. the grass growing up thru the cracks in the drive way.)
she told me not to worry they wouldn't fine me.
i had to tell her "i'm just frustrated. not so much about the letter b/c leaving it out was my choice. but getting my trash out was the one thing i left you to do and it didn't get taken care of and now i have a trash can with a dead bird and dirty diapers that's been sitting out in the sun all week!"
she apoligized again and then just kind of blew me off.
i didn't know what else to do with the bird. i coudln't throw it over someone elses fence b/c all of our neighbors have pets and i didn't want to make anyone sick. and there's no where to burry it b/c the dogs would just have dug it back up!

i just can't believe she's being like this.
and she still hasn't given me my 3 bucks she ows me for going out to buy dog food when they ran out while they were on vacation. i know, it's only 3 bucks. but it was an unexpected inconvenient trip out for me and i had to use my money(i bought the smallest bag i could find) and my gas and my time. it's the principal of the matter. who runs out of dog food when they are on vacation and someone else is tending their pets? woudldn't you make sure there was plenty??

anyway, that's the latest development in that.


Anonymous said...

I'd call the HOA and explain the measures you took to avoid such a thing.

Then I'd demand my $3 from Miss Neighbor and tell her you just can't rely on her to help you out when you need it anymore and, thus, won't be caring for hers anymore because she's just not being as considerate and putting forth as much effort as when you return the favor. You can't continue to let her sneak by with such unequality, etc...

Cupcake Blonde said...

That would be it for me. Cut all ties and have no more contact. Do not do anything for her ever again because that was just dispicable.

As for the HOA, I hate them. People in my complex voliate things all the time and we leave our cars parked in front of our garage foran hour because we are doing things in the garage and go in for ten minutes and come out and there is a ticket on our windshields. When they can clearly see the garage is full of things we are rearranging. I know HOAs are there to keep people in line who want to do crazy things like paint their houses neon green or have live bands in their backyards, but they really need to chill out on the little things. Especially since there are so many other things people do that are so much more serious and they never get in trouble.

jellybean said...

shades and VP i hear ya.
she's called a few times since i've been home and i just haven't really paid much attention to her.
i'm going to remind her about my 3$today. i've already called and left her a message.

oh and you wouldn't believe the houses around here with dead-so dry it looks like its about to catch fire grass. they're supposed to make ppl replace their grass when it dies. i don't see them doing that. but i get in trouble for my trash can.i wonder what they'll do if someones grass catches fire and the whole neighborhood burns down due to dry grass.