Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3 days

i can do 3 days.
given the situation - and the mess i always feel i have gotten myself in to when finished with the task - i am watching neighbors dogs for the 3 of the 6 days they are gone.
since i am not "cat box responsible" for the days i am watching neighbors pets it will be easier. sometimes i'm not sure if it's the cats that are more trouble or the dogs. probably both. AND her cats have a habit of spitting hairballs, breakfast, or whatever, all over the carpet when neighbors are gone. if this happens-oh i'm sorry, you were so desperate for me to watch your babies b/c you don't want anyone else in your house, and i'm pregnant and can't handle bodily fluids so i just left it there.oops.(she never cleaned my cat box when i was gone. not even when i left her a note to.)

she got someone else for the days i am going to be gone. funny. they're leaving saturday, and coming back thursday. but somehow i got stuck with 3.5 days of pet sitting and the other girl barely has only saturday night and all of sunday.this makes no sense. i'll just have to work it around nap times and bed times so i don't have to take little bit over with me. her carpets are horrible and i hate to put him down when we go over there.

too bad she hasn't had more than one kid. it never would have crossed her mind to ask me if she ever walked in my shoes:
no husband in sight to help carry any kind of daily load.
but it's my fault for not having the balls to say no.
ah i can't wait til thursday. when i can get to my mothers house and have a little peace!

and since i will be coming back from a much needed break i didn't think i'd be feeling quite so depressed or resentful or angry about any of my situations. it's not like they're things i didn't make a choice for.


Steelers Wine Girl said...

I'm sad you caved in but I'm sure I would have done the same thing!! Always easier to say not to do something than it is to actually not do it.

Definitely leave any of the cat upchuck contents behind for her to find. Maybe you will convince her that you're not very good at cleaning up after her pets and she'll stop asking you!!

Anonymous said...

You really shouldn't have to go over there more than once a day...

jellybean said...

steelers - - i need to find a better nickname for you!!yes i am sad at my pathetic ability to stick to my guns when it comes to her. i'm kind of with you in hoping that if there are any "presents" left behind my any pets that she will decide i'm not worth it. afterall, she does the bare minimum for my pets -i've actually come home to waterless dogs before.
shades -if her dogs were able to stay out for long periods of time i wouldn't go over there but morning and night.but neighbor hates texas and thinks it's constantly "too hot" - even the other day when it was 50 degrees- and so her dogs live in the kitchen year round.and when they do go out they bark all the time! they start barking before they are out the door and keep it up. they bark at anything and everything. and the fight thru the fence with my dogs. however, it's supposed to be cool next week, maybe i'll break them in. i can leave her dogs out more and my dogs in more and maybe that will cut down on the barking and my trips over there. it's a plan in the making i tell ya!

Cupcake Blonde said...

I can understand why you agreed this time due to the circumstances surrounding their abscense. But make this the last time. NO MORE! She needs to learn to appreciate a good thing.