Monday, April 14, 2008

haven't had one of these in a while.

it is 11 pm!
this is going to bite me in the butt tomorrow! here i am staying up late and i had a fussy baby all day and we have lots of errands to run tomorrow. the post office, the grocery store, a few exchanges to walmart - maybe i'll sacraficie the fresh goodness of HEB and buy walmart groceries -it won't be the end of the world. we have to be up early b/c if i wait til lunch to start the errands then i will end up standing in line at the post office for 45 minutes like the last 2 times i went in the afternoon. teege slept those times. he's old enough to throw a fit now if he gets tired of his car seat so we are venturing out by 9 at the latest!

teege was good this morning. i went and got him out of his bed at 10 o'clock b/c he had been asleep for 14 hours! they all say you should never wake a sleeping baby. well let me tell you this: i will never let him sleep that late again! he didn't take 1 nap today! not 1!
well, he dozed off in his swing b/c i had had enough of letting him cry it out off and on in his crib all day.
he took off crying again when i fed him and tried to put him in his crib this afternoon, apon which TJ came in from the computer room and took him from me - every crying screaming bit of him! i went to cook dinner and i SWEAR that kid was asleep in less than 5 minutes!
you know why he was asleep so fast? b/c he was being rocked!
TJ rocked him on sunday for his nap and so today he wanted me to do the same.
hell no! i have conditioned my child to adapt to my schedule not me to his. i dont want him to dictate me! he didn't NEED anything, he WANTED to be rocked, and i held him and snuggled him and loved him and rocked him for A FEW MINUTES! and each time he started in on his earth shattering fit throwing i'd go in and hold and cuddle til he calmed down, once that need is met i put him back down. i gave up after an hour.
there is nothing wrong with him wanting to be rocked and cuddled til he falls asleep. there is everything wrong with us giving it to him often enough that he decides he won't fall asleep any other way. TJ likes to rock him on the weekends b/c he likes to take naps with him. and then it takes me 2 days to straighten him out! and then it starts all over again each weekend. but i have to let him build the memories. he is going to be gone for a while this summer.....
he knows how to fall asleep on his own - sometimes i don't understand why he can't do it.

i finally decided his teeth might be bothering him and gave him some tylenol. i can't feel them or see them yet but that has to be it. sometimes i forget he is at that age when they start teething. this made me feel like a bad mom when i remembered hey, maybe it's his teeth. it was his teeth all last week afterall.....
he eats the hell out of those frozen teething rings and cries when they thaw out. he chomps on it and his mouth and hands turn all red...... so it must feel good.

i guess i better go back to bed.
there's no sense in causing more trouble for myself tomorrow by being tired.

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