Monday, April 21, 2008

bad day

i have a fever.
i am all benadryled up b/c of allergies
which means i have had next to no good sleep.
i have been up since 4 am with a fussy baby.
we slept in the chair together though from 6 to 8 so that was nice. when teege woke up he was laying in the crook of may arm on his side and he was starring at me and going "dadadada." and then he's stop and smile when i opened my eyes. if i closed them again he's start all over, "dadadada" (this is a new word by the way. he just started it. at first he would only goo and gaa. then he started with the "mamamamamama". and now we have the dadadadad. i am proud)

i had a whole post written that was full of events from the weekend. but blogger is being STUPID this morning and acting all slow and retarded so i got mad and deleted the whole thing b/c it came out all wrong and then wouldn't publish. the page just couldn't seem to load!!


i am just irritated!
it has become so apparrent to me that i am the only one around here taking care of anyone! it has become such a reality that it is almost blinding! (i know, welcome to motherhood right?)
i have to ask TJ if i want him to do something for me. i even seem to have to ask him before i run off to take a bath if the baby is awake b/c he has a lot going on and the evening seems to be his time to unwind.(i'd like to know where my unwinding time is. don't i get any?)

i went to my mom's this weekend. that was supposed to be restful. i always come home from mom's feeling all refreshed and taken care of. that didn't happen this time.
teege cried all day saturday. he was all out of sorts. waking at 4 am, not wanting to nap, not wanting to stay asleep at bed time, freaking out if i left the room,etc.
mom had a sprained ankle so i tried to do things for her and let her rest her foot. but she kept getting up and walking on it anyway. which just seemed to make me feel even worse!! her foot looked so bad and here she was trying to take care of me anyway b/c it was aparrent that i was falling apart at the seams. she insisted her foot felt better when she was up on it anyway. i just wanted her to sit and hold the baby and shout orders at me. she let me do some things for her and i let her feed and play with the baby some for me. she even came in at 5 45 sunday morning when teege was crying and offer to give him a bottle. i got up anyway b/c my boobs were too full to go any longer and nursed him, and then i was determind that he was going back to sleep so i took him back to bed with me. and we did go back to sleep, surprisingly.

it was a nice weekend.
though it would have been easier if we had stayed home.(which is kind of backwards for us actually)
TJ was supposed to go out of town again thursday, now he's just decided he's driving back and forth. i am little disappointed. i was kind of looking forward to another break. sometimes things are easier when he's not here to need me too. but i am glad to have him just the same.

aunt sissie(my new name for auntie shades as of late. not sure where it came from but it stuck)
helped me get chewy(my golden retriever) all groomed up nice. we snipped and trimmed and bathed and clipped til he was all fresh and pretty. i had gotten so busy with the baby that it took chewy running across the kitchen floor and his hind legs going right out from under him before i noticed just how bad his feet were.
his hips are bad anyway, and he's 10 yrs old now,so him not being steady on is feet b/c of long nails and too much fur between the toes is not a good thing. i also went out and bought him a supplement to help his hips feel better. hopefully it will keep the arthritis at bay for a long time.
aunt sissie did most of the work but he looks so spiffy and handsome. i don't have a before and after picutre to compare, otherwise i'd put them up.

thanks aunt sissie for all your help! we appreciate it a ton!

today will not be a terrible day. it just won't be perfect.
i think i will make bread today.
it is a 4 hour process! but it is mindless work and makes the house smell nice.
fresh bread will be nice for dinner.....and i know that this will be something that TJ will notice and i will get much praise for doing. he loves homemade bread.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your sick!
I felt like crap last night, myself. That "hot mouth" feeling you mentioned, and I did feel feverish. I strained my neck at some point yesterday and it was sore enough that I panicked myself into believing I was going to fall asleep here alone and die of meningitis like that guy in the hotel during one of dad's work trips. However, as you can see, I am awake and alive today. I guess it was just a muscle thing. Because now my whole back hurts and is stiff.

I will survive.

I am glad you came, but I'm sorry it wasn't restful and that Buttons was so uncooperative. I felt bad leaving the 3 of you every night to go home to my quiet little house when I should have been helping.

I also feel like I hardly got to hold and cuddle him, because he was so fussy- but we did get to play lots.

And I enjoyed being able to help with Chewy and make him more comfortable. He's my "baby", too, ya know... I love him like he was one of my own, and I'd do any of that for them, so... why not...?

I just wish I'd had a bandana... ;)

jellybean said...

yes, yucky hot mouth is bad!
i'm glad you are still alive - though i'm sorry that you're all stiff. gosh that's alot to worry about.i don't remember that guy that died during one of dad's work trips. i hope you feel better.
i am sorry you didn't get to hold "buttons" much either. he was indeed fussy and hopefully next time will be easier. it's his teeth mostly. partly i think he was confused when it came time to sleep that he wasn't in his bed, but mostly i think he didn't feel good. and neither did i.
but you got to bathe him and ya'll had fun doing that! 'you could have spent the night with us at mom's!! you didn't have to go home to your quiet house! we'll be back soon though! promise. and maybe buttons will feel better and be less of a handful and we wil all have a much grander time!

chewy would have loved a bandana, but TJ would have fussed about it! he would have looked so cute though! maybe next time.....:)

Cathy said...

I'm glad you're doing better. Today seemed like my "I'm disappointing" day at school and home, and it hasn't gone away yet. Thanks for sharing. Glad I'm not the only one (but don't want you to think I relish other people's pain). Glad everything is better.

jellybean said...

cathy i know you don't relish other ppls pain,it's simply nice to know that there are others out there who can have just as bad a day - and worse - that we have.
you are not "disapointing" though there are ppl out there who surely can make us feel as such.
i hope that you too feel better soon..... after all,every day we get a new day, therefore we get a chance to feel like we have succeeded at something.

Cathy said...

Thanks, "Jellybean the Wise!"

Today has gone MUCH better. I know what I now have to do to get my paper KICK ASS!

Cupcake Blonde said...

I hope you are feeling better! Allergies suck big ass. I suffer from the debilitating kind myself.

Auntie Sissie, I like that! :)