Monday, April 14, 2008

a few "oopses" i keep forgetting to blog about.

well it has been a while since i blogged about anything.
this morning i managed to stumble to the kitchen to pour my coffee, my eyes are still blurry from sleep. i keep having to rub at them so i can see! but i had to tell you about these!

now i haven't made very many "mommy mistakes" yet, but i have a feeling that i will be more as i learn about being a parent. here a few bloopers that i've been trying NOT to think about.

night before last TJ asks me if the baby monitor is on as we are settling down for bed. i look across the room and see the glowing green light indicating that the unit is indeed on. so off to sleep we go. i wake up at 7 45 the next morning -out of an undisturbed sound sleep. now what is out of the ordinary about this is that teege is a noisy sleeper. even though it is normal for him to sleep for 12 or 13 hours at a time it is not like him to sleep silently.
i go back to bed and lay there for a few minutes before realization sets in:
as i am staring at the monitor KNOWING that it is impossible for him to have slept without so much as making a peep i remember (DUN DUN DUN!) that he was throwing a fit saturday night and TJ and i had been taking shifts with him. when it was my turn to take over again i turned the volume all the way down on the monitor so TJ could get some Z's. i usually turn it all the way off if i mess with it at all. instead i just turned it down. i still don't know if he woke up and cried until he just fell back asleep, or if he really did sleep good enough that no one heard him. i assume if he got too upset wouldnt' the dogs have woken us up?

i was driving home from my sister's once and came to a red light that had railroad tracks paired with it(2 sets of them). i can see the tracks. i can see 1 car at the light already. i think to myself, oh those tracks are farther away from the light than they look i can fit between that car and the first set of tracks. i cross over the first set of tracks and then as i am slowing to a stop i see that there indeed is not enough room for a 2nd car before the other set of tracks.
"OH CRAP!" i say out loud. i oonche as close to the car in front of me as i can. i can see there are no trains coming but still, it is the idea that terrifies me! my back tires were still sitting on the tracks! not much, but enough! "OH GOD! PLEASE DON'T LET A TRAIN COME! OH GOD PLEASE DON'T LET A TRAIN COME! OHCRAPOHCRAPOHCRPA!"
i'm praying out loud as my baby is sleeping in the back seat peacefully. my head is wipping from right to left and back again! just as i open my mouth and shout "RED TEAM GO! RED TEAM GO!" my light turns green and i speed away from the railroad tracks as fast as i can. i will never underestemate the space between a traffic light and a set of train tracks again. that was horrabily terrifying! i could have thrown the car in reverse and manuvered around to the right of the car in front of my and turned right on to the highway, but i was afraid i might get stuck on the tracks altogether(though that probably only happens in the movies) i will NEVER do that again.

those are the 2 biggest. the others have been smaller and more common among new moms.
i gave teege a bath at grammy's one night. i didn't take his infanyt tub b/c it was too big to travel with, so i laid him in the tub with just a tiny bit of water.(this is actually his favorite way for bath time, he can splash more!) anyway, i lift him up and lay his belly across my arm so i can scrubb is butt and back. when i flip him back over his face is all wet! i must have dipped his face in the water at some point! he wasn't sputtering or anything so it must have been for just a secone but still........

i snipped the tip of his finger with the finger nail clippers once. he was barely 2 weeks old. it bled.

i'm sure there are a few more, but i can't think of them right now. i will add them as they surface.

i'm sure glad i'm only human


Cupcake Blonde said...

There will be many many more. And you know what? He will grow up to be a wonderful person because of those little mistakes since it is not fun to be in aprotective bubble all the time.

The train thing though...would have freaked me out too. I don't mess with trains. My borther's good friend got sucked into one while running beside the tracks one summer. Trains don't mess around. They are big and can not stop.

jellybean said...

true true.
that is one thing i want to not be is an overprotective parent, but i have a feeling it's kind of uncontrollable.
i get oh so nervous when anyone is driving the car but me!
i have to sit in the back with the baby! or be the driver. i always feel like TJ is driving off the road or going to fast or following to close!! it makes me nuts that i feel this way. he's a good driver! where did this come from? is it a control issue? he is much mor capable of handling an out of control car than i am......

and trains = bad. got it.
that's a sad story.