Monday, December 22, 2008

follow up post from the drama this weekend

TJ got home around 2 friday afternoon.
he spent the better part of saturday trying to figure out how to fix the dryer. (which was fixed and then burned up again,and won't even turn on now, all in the same day)

he hoed and hummed all day saturday. seeming to be in a state of complete ignorance or something. i asked a few times "What are you're plans today?" and got a meesley "i'm not sure" response. his brother even left a message wanting to know if he was going to the ceremony.
once he even complained about having to leave no later than 3, and not getting back an earlier than 9. and that's only if he didn't stop for dinner. and left the ceremony right when it ended.

so i spent the day not knowing if i was going to be happy or sad.
we ate a late lunch that day. he jumps up from the table at 2pm and says "i better get in the shower and get ready to go"

i shoudln't have been surprised i know. it was the fact that he put off and put off giving me a straight answer that made me feel that much more irritated with him. he made it look like he might possibly be staying home. and then he gets up and goes.

before he left he came over to me -where i was already happily watching christmas movies and winding garland around my christmas tree.( i let him take me friday to get a tree -mostly b/c it would help me out a ton if i already atleast had the tree. we got an artificial one. on sale. for 55$. pre lit with white lights. it was perfect! and it was the last one!)
anyway, he started snuggling me and giving me lots of kisses. i kissed him back. twice. before i pushed on him a little and said "you just quit trying to be all sweet and cuddly and take yourself on out the door."
his reply was a pouty " but i'm a sweet and cuddly kind of guy"
"so? you're just doing it to try and keep yourself out of trouble>"
he kind of laughs to himself and says "no. i'm pretty sure i'm in trouble anyway."

so he goes. he came back once and i was foolish enough to think he'd changed his mind. he had just forgotten to pick up his phone.

he called at 7 45 to say he was on his way. which would have put him in the front door by 10 or a little before.
at 9 i went and got in bed.
at 9 50 i called to see where he was.
he said he was still an hr away b/c he had stopped in a small town (johnson city), who has a major christmas lights display, to grab some dinner.
here's the thing.
he stopped at Dairy Queen! it's one of the only places in that town to eat.but it's fast food. and he said they were really busy!! b/c everyone from counties away had come to see the lights. and it took a really long time to get his food.


the things that don't make sense:

he was a whole nother hr getting home

i doubt it took him an hr to get his food at a fast food place

and when i called him to find out how far away he was he turned off is turn by turn directions.
he has onstar in the truck and he can get directions sent to his radio and it chimes in every so often with turn here's and take this road. (part of me wonders if he turned it off so i wouldn't really know where he was. and part of me thinks he went to dinner with his family anyway and just didn't want to say that's why he was late.)

but my husband is not a story teller either. or a liar. or a stretch the truth kind of guy.

when he mentioned going to dinner with is family and how late he would be getting home if he did i told him it didn't matter b/c he was already gone.
when he was on his way back i asked him if anyone gave him hard time for running off on his wife and kid the first day he was home.
i got a very snotty "NO! everyone was actually really glad i made it!"
"well then i'm so glad for you that you were able to please everyone else today but me."
after a long silence on his end i told him i was going to bed and would see him the morning.
that was all that was said on the matter.
aside from acting awake enough to ask him to turn off the christmas tree when he came in i pretended to be sleeping.

and my christmas tree is gorgeous! it looks like a page out of a catalog!
i put silver and red glass balls on it and some glass snow man icicle ornaments my mom gave me.there's also a few personal ornaments on it -wooden ones that we've collected over the years.
and the garland i put on is silver and gold wooden beads.
it sparkles like diamonds and rubies!
my tree would not have been so pretty if i had had help. and i'm kind of glad i actually got to create a christmas tree this year rather than cram every single one of the million christmas ornaments we have on it.
i'm proud of it.
it didn't make him feel as lousy for missing out as i had hoped.
but it is the one perfect thing that came out of that messy day.


Steelers Wine Girl said...

Think positively - he was so late coming home b/c he was buying you an amazing, surprise Christmas present!

Anonymous said...

I want to see a pic of the tree!
What does baby think of it?

Cupcake Blonde said...

You handled it well, letting him know you were disappointed and still making the most of your day. Perhaps next tmie he will think twice before repeating this action. And the coming home late story does sound a bit fishy...