Monday, December 22, 2008

WE'RE HAVING A.......what?

went to the dr today

had all the major pictures and measurements taken to rule out any complications.

heart as all 4 chambers.

brain is normal. no excess fluid. no missing pieces.

all the obvious signs of downs syndrom were ruled out. skin thickness at the base of the neck was normal. baby was holding up all 5 fingers at one point - dr was very happy about that. baby has a nasal bone -most babies with downs don't. spine is normal.

everything was very normal.

new baby is healthy.......................

and happy......................

and very wiggly..............................

oh yeah...............

i forgot to mention..........................


what? when did this happen?
I am still recovering from the shock.
i was positive i was having another boy. everything, aside from the more noticeable morning sickness a while back, pointed to us having a boy. i would have put money on it. i would have bet my right hand on it -or an eye even.

and i'm having a girl.

the dr checked 3 times, b/c he wasn't even 100% sure at first. by the last peek, he was positive. no doubt about it.

it's not that i'm not excited. i am. but i had enough boy stuff to open a store! all's i would have had to buy was a nother crib. now i have to get all new everything girl! getting ready for the first baby was a very daunting task! i was hoping i wouldn't have so much preparing to do this time. i guess the good thing is that i atleast still remember what to expect with a new born now. the rest of the stuff is just stuff. we'll get it. and i'll find a place for it eventually.
oh, and the mere idea of raising a teenage daughter......makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out.
but we'll manage. it's not like millions of mothers before me didn't face the same trials.

atleast now i can tell TJ i know what i want for christmas. the little girl crib bedding i picked out before we knew last time if teege was a boy or not.(hopefully they still have it)

oh, and the name:
we're still stuck on either natalie joy or elizabeth joy. though i do like emily joy also.
we do both like natalie the best. that's probably going to win! now if i can just get TJ to say something else about the names other than "i like it............i like that one too........i like this better than that".......... etc.


Steelers Wine Girl said...

Congratulations!! It's so exciting to go through each new step. I really like the name Natalie Joy - and she'll have a great older brother to look out for her ;)

And it's waaay to early to worry about having a teenage the time she's a teenager they may have miracle drugs that will prevent her from giving you any drama!

Anonymous said...

'n' then you can call her "Tally" or "Talie", or even "Tali" and she can be a TJ, too!

I knew as soon as I made a decision, it was going to outsmart me and be a girl.

At least when she dries you crazy, you can always send her to me.

But I really think that after raising a boy, you'll be plenty tough for a teenage girl.

Cupcake Blonde said...

I KNEW IT!!! I knew you were having a girl! Yippie!! Congratulations. I am so excited for you. And I love the name Natalie Joy.

Kim said...

Awwwww! Girls ROCK! But then again I'm a bit biased because I have two of them myself! ;)

But I am having fun spoiling my 3 month old nephew!

I've always liked the pairing of the older brother/younger sister. I think it's cute!
